2010 to Present
“The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Origin of the Moratorium,” Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Invited, 2016.
“A New Pathway to Prohibiting Nuclear Testing.” WMD Junction. James Martin Center For Nonproliferation Studies. Nonproliferation Review (3 June 2014).
“The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the Relationship.“ Copyright 2014 American Institute of Physics. (2014). NOTE: This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.The piece appeared in Nuclear Weapon Issues in the 21st Century. Eds., Pierce S. Cordon, David Hafemeister and Peter Zimmerman. Melville, NY: AIP Publishing. (2014)
“Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty under Threat: Iran & North Korea.” Baker Center Journal of Applied Public Policy IV.I (2012): 1-28.
2000 to 2009
With David Hafmeister. “Nuclear Testing and Proliferation–An Inextricable Connection.” Disarmament Diplomacy (Aug. 2009).
With Max M. Kampelman. “Nuclear Weapons: An Existential Threat to Humanity.” CTBTO Spectrum 11 (2008): 10-11.
With Russell L. Schweickart. “NASA’s Flimsy Argument for Nuclear Weapons.” Scientific American (Mar. 2008).
“Nuclear Weapons: A Perspective in 2007.” Baker Center Journal of Applied Public Policy I.I (Fall 2007): 2-11.
“The Future of the Global Non-Proliferation Regime.” National Strategy Forum Review 16.2 (Spring 2007): 10-13.
“Nuclear Weapons and World Order.“ Ambassadors Review (Fall 2006).
“Faith and Peace.” Dharma World 33 (July/Sept. 2006).
With Dinshaw Mistry. “Two Treaties to Contain Missile Proliferation.” Disarmament Diplomacy (Spring 2006).
“Space Weapons and the Risk of Accidental Nuclear War.” Arms Control Today 35.10 (Dec. 2005). PAYWALL.
“Nuclear Weapons, We May Self-Destruct.” World Today 61.3 (2005): 16-17.
“Sixty Years after Hiroshima: A Nuclear Era.” Current History 104.681 (Apr. 2005): 147-52. NOTE: Reprinted with permission from Current History (issue month year). © 2015, Current History, Inc.
“Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Terrorism.“ Transnational Lawyer 17.1 (2004): 89-95.
With Avner Cohen “An NPT for Non-members” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 60.3 (May/June, 2004): 40-44.
Kjellberg, Nadine, “Limits of Unilateralism. Discussion Well Received by Members of Congress,” Global Security Institute 30 Oct. 2003.
Introduction. Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan 45.8 (Aug. 2003): 457-58.
“National Self-Defense, International Law, and Weapons of Mass Destruction.” Chicago Journal of International Law 4.1 (Spring 2003): 1-17.
“International Law and the Military Uses of Space.” Disarmament Diplomacy, (Mar./Apr. 2002): 4-6.
“Squaring the Circle: Can Missile Defense and International Security Be Reconciled?” RUSI Journal 146.6 (Dec. 2001): 1 (from remarks made at RUSI on 3 Oct. 2001).
With Blake Mobley. “Deliberate Ambiguity in Modern Arms Control and the ABM Treaty.” International Spectator, XXXVI.3 (July/Sept. 2001): 19-26. PAYWALL.
With Leonor Tomero. “Obligations for Us All: NATO and Negative Security Assurances.” Disarmament Diplomacy, 49 (Aug. 2000): 3-7.
“International Law and the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.” George Washington International Law Review 33.1 (2000): 49-69.
“The Promise of Commitments Made.” Religions for Peace World Conference on Religion and Peace: Principles Values and Global Security: A Framework for the Future of the NPT, New York (2000): 11-15.
1990 to 1999
Occasional Paper. “The Future of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Regime.” Lawyers Alliance for World Security (Nov. 1999): 1-9.
“A Farewell to ACDA.” Foreign Service Journal 76.9 (Sept. 1999): 24-29.
With Alexander S. Yereskovsky. “Cologne: Nuclear Cuts, Limited Missile Defenses.” Aviation Week and Space Technology 151.2 (12 July 1999): 70. NOTE: License #116377 Copyrighted 2015. Penton Media. 116377:0315BN
Occasional Paper. “The Relationship Between Non-Proliferation and Nuclear Weapons Use Doctrine.” Lawyers Alliance for World Security (July 1999): 1-10.
“The Canadian Report: Recommendations for a New Century.” Proceedings of Nuclear Arms Control, Non-Proliferation and Disarmament in the Post War Security Environment Conference, 21 Apr. 1998. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 31 (Summer, 1999): 655-68.
“Approaching the Fork in the Road.” Ambassadors Review (Fall 1998): 96-98.
“South Asia and the Future of Nuclear Non-Proliferation.” Arms Control Today 28.4 (May, 1998): 3.
With John Rhienlander. “Nuclear Reductions and Nuclear Terrorism: The Future of Nuclear Disarmament.” Disarmament Diplomacy 19 (Oct. 1997): 2-3.
“The Treaty of Tlatelolco: Its Role in the International Regime of Nonproliferation.” Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin American and Caribbean (OPANAL) Seminar.” Mexico City, Mex. Feb. 1997.
“The United States and the Prospects for NPT Extension.“ Arms Control Today (Jan./Feb. 1995): 3-6.
“Issues of NPT Extension.” National Security Law Report (Summer 1994): 3-5.
Letter. Science 262 (12 Nov. 1993).
With Edward Ifft. “Legal Aspects of Bi-Lateral Arms Control Treaties.” North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 16.1 (Winter 1991): 1-13.
1980 to 1989
“The Duration of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Sudden Death or New Lease on Life?” Virginia Journal of International Law, 29.1 (Spring 1989): 661-667.
With Ralph Earle, II, Sidney Graybeal, Michael H. Mobbs and Stephen Gorove. “Verification of Arms Control Agreements, New Hope in a New Era,” Proceedings Eighty Second Meeting, The American Society of International Law (21 Apr. 1988): 63-80.
Article Quoting Amb. Graham
[Quoting Thomas Graham, Jr.] Osnos, Evan. “Trump’s Irrational Hatred of the Iran Deal.” The New Yorker (Oct. 23, 2017).
Book Reviews by Amb. Graham
Hall, Bennett “Just Say No to Nukes,” Corvallis Gazette-Times, 29 Jan. 2018.
“From Ryan with Love” From Rya, with Love,” Rev. of Able Archer 83: The Secret History of the NATO Exercise That Almost Triggered Nuclear War, ed. Nate Jones (New York: New Press, 2016). Nonproliferation Review, 24:3-4. 373-378.
“Reestablishing Balance in the NPT,” Rev. of Interpreting the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, by Daniel Joyner. The Non-proliferation Review, Monterey Institute, 19.1 (Mar. 2012): 137-41. PAYWALL. [NOTE: This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Nonproliferation Review available online.]
“Remember Arms Control?” Review of Multilateral Diplomacy and the NPT: An Insider’s Account, by Jayantha Dhanapala with Randy Rydel. Current History 104.684 (Oct. 2005). [Reprinted with permission from Current History.]
“Avoiding the Tipping Point,” Rev. of The Nuclear Tipping Point: Why States Reconsider Their Nuclear Choices, eds. Kurt Campbell, Robert Einhorn and Mitchell Reiss. Arms Control Today 34.9 (Nov. 2004).